Safety is always the most important aspect of any training program and so we need to know a little about your current health and exercise history. Please complete the Par Q and exercise questionnaire by clicking here.
Below is a list of the things you may want to consider before attending. Please contact us if you have any queries. MEDICATION Please bring the medication you require such as inhaler or anti-histamines etc. Please ensure you inform the trainer of medication you may be required to take and/or have taken prior to the session. No medications can be administered by the trainer.
PROTECTION Depending on the weather conditions, you may wish to consider the following: If its sunny please ensure you take the appropriate measures to protect yourself from the suns rays, such as sunscreen, long sleeved jersey, hat and sunglasses. You may wish to consider some form of insect or midge repellent. Take the measures you require if the pollen count is high too. Wear appropriate training clothes if its cold or wet. You may get dirty! Wear training shoes with a good grip as the grass may be wet.
TRAINING The kettlebell purest would be horrified but training gloves offer some protection to your hands. Sweatbands are non essential but can be a worthwhile purchase to protect your fore arms as kettlebells can bump off them while perfecting technique on some exercises. |
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